Without proper treatment, 51% of patients diagnosed with atrial fibrillation
will die within five years following the onset of symptoms.

Studies suggest that atrial fibrillation causes a 90% increase of death
among woman and a 50% increase of death among men.

Just 5 years after AFib diagnosis, the greatest incidence for
patients is death (49%).

According to the American Heart Association, a patient with AFib is 5 times
more likely to have a stroke than a patient without AFib. In addition,
370,000 strokes or 20% of all Ischemic strokes are associated with AFib.

Estimation of Total Incremental Health Care Costs in Patients With
Atrial Fibrillation in the United States, Kim MH, Johnston SS, Chu BC,
Dalal MR, Schulman KLCirc Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes . 2011;4:313-320

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Page last updated: July 1, 2019